Song of the Wanderer

Who is Cara Hunter from Song of the Wanderer and what is their importance?

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Cara Hunter is a 12-year-old girl who came to Luster by using an amulet given to her by her grandmother, Ivy Morris. Cara is a very brave and unique girl. Her family's history is crossed with both Hunter and unicorn blood. There is a great deal that Cara does not know about her family's history. She knows that her grandmother was a great friend of the unicorns and once lived among them in Luster. She also knows that her great-gandmother several times over, Beloved, is the mortal enemy of the unicorns. Beloved trains the men in her family to hunt and kill unicorns. These men are called Hunters. Cara's father, Ian, is a Hunter. In this family debate, Cara sides with her grandmother. She likes the unicorns and considers them to be her friends.
Cara has been requested by the Queen to return to earth and bring her grandmother Ivy Morris back to earth. Cara accepts this quest, and sets out on her journey to return to earth. Trying to find a gate back to earth takes Cara to some of the furtherest reaches of Luster. She encounters several strange and magnificent creatures along the way, including a gryphon and a dragon. Once back on earth Cara is confronted by Beloved. Cara is able to escape from her evil ancestor thanks to some help from her father. She is then able to complete her quest of retrieving her grandmother and returning to Luster.