Song of the Wanderer

Who is Beloved from Song of the Wanderer and what is their importance?

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Beloved is Cara Hunter's great-grandmother several times over. She is the arch enemy of all unicorns and an overall very evil woman. She trains the men in her family to hunt and kill unicorns. These men are known simply as Hunters. Beloved was healed by a unicorn long ago, but the unicorn's horn broke off in her heart. This both causes constant pain for Beloved, and also constant healing. She has sworn vengeance against all unicorns. Beloved has imprisoned Ivy Morris in the Rianbow Prison and is waiting in her house for Cara to return to earth. When Cara does return, Beloved tries to get Ivy's amulet from her. At first Beloved tries to take it by force, then she tries to persuade Cara to give it to her. Both these attempts fail. She has to flee when Ian Hunter betrays her and gains the upper-hand in the situation. However, one of her other Hunters was able to get another amulet from Jacques, meaning Beloved now has access to Luster.