So You Want to Talk About Race

In what way does Oluo depict the theme of collectivism within the introduction to her book So You Want to Talk About Race?


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When Oluo discusses the way in which fear drives many of the discussions people have about race, she points out that it is a scary time for every citizen of the United States. It is frightening for white people who are just now realizing that the melting-pot story they had been told about America was wrongheaded, while people of color are stressed out because after years of having their voices ignored and silenced, they are suddenly being "asked by those who've ignored them for so long, 'What has been happening in your life? Can you educate me?" (16). By acknowledging that nearly every citizen of the United States is fearful and stressed about the state of race relations in the country for one reason or another, Oluo demonstrates the way in which we are all in this together and how we must all come together to detect and stamp out racism wherever we see it.