Six Feet of the Country

Two characters in the Six Feet of the Country by Nadine Gordimer.

Nadine godimer six feet of the country

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The unnamed first person narrator of the short story is a white man of indiscriminate age. He is married to Lerice, and a citizen of South Africa. Shortly before the start of the story, the narrator and his wife have moved 10 miles out of Johannesburg. They bought a farm along a main road, in hopes that relocating outside the city might fix their marital problems. The narrator insists nothing has changed within or between them since the move. However, Lerice has become invested in the land while the narrator has not.

Lerice is the first person narrator's wife. Before moving to the farm, Lerice was pursuing amateur theater acting. The narrator assumed that she would not care about the farm, and would soon return to her acting endeavors. However, not long after relocating outside the city, Lerice became intensely invested in the land, the animals, and her employees. The narrator resents her enthusiasm over farm life, and is constantly frustrated with her for looking dirty and unkempt and disregarding his opinions.

