Who is Finn from Sapphique and what is their importance? | Sapphique Questions & Answers | BookRags.com


Who is Finn from Sapphique and what is their importance?

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Finn is a former prisoner of Incarceron. He is now living in the realm. Finn has lost his memory so he doesn't know how he escaped Incarceron. He is thought to be Prince Giles, the stepson of the queen and the next in line to take the throne as king.

Finn is engaged to be married to Claudia. He is also Attia's best friend. When an impostor boy comes to the castle stating he is the real Prince Giles, Finn challenges him to a duel. Finn regains his memory and recalls that he in fact the real Prince Giles. At the end of the novel, Finn rescues Caludia from Incarceron, plans to wed her and rebuild the realm as the king.