Refugee (Alan Gratz)

Refugee by Alan Gratz

How do the parents in each of these families change during their journeys? Compare the fathers and mothers of Josef, Isabel, and Mahmoud discuss the ways that events in each story shape their responses to their situation.

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Joussef Bishara is Mahmoud and Waleed's father. He is a kind, funny, and smart man, whose pride often interferes with the family’s ability to keep going, something that forces Mahmoud to handle the things his father cannot. As a result, Joussef’s character both helps Mahmoud survive and forces him to grow up quickly.

Over the course of the novel, Joussef is for the most part... light hearted and amiable. He's always making jokes. In Turkey, however, he gets angry when Mahmoud tries to hail a random passing car out of desperation, as Mahmoud's actions cause him embarrassment. And later, when they reach Hungary, he is abused and beaten by the guards, losing his self-esteem, his sense of humor, and his motivation.... his sense of hope. He refuses to fill out the paperwork and screams at the officer, leaving Mahmoud to take charge, answer the questions, and to guide his family from Hungary to Austria.

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