
I have no idea.

am reading a book named evermore and i just don't understand it if you have read it can you tell me

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In the novel, Evermore: The Immortals, Ever Bloom is sixteen when her family is in their car and she realizes she's forgotten a favorite sweatshirt. Her father turns around in response to her pleas and has a wreck when a deer steps out in front of their vehicle. Her parents, sister, and the family dog are all killed. Ever also dies but lingers and is revived. She lives with the guilt that the accident was her fault.

After the accident, Ever moves in with her paternal aunt, a wealthy attorney who is lonely and worries that she's leaving Ever alone too much.Ever's life after the crash is vastly different. Taken in by her aunt - her only biological relative - Ever has all the possessions money can buy. But she also has a strong psychic ability. She avoids touch because the emotions, thoughts, and memories of others wash over her even at the most casual touch. She can also see the auras of others which gives her a great deal of information about people. The impressions are so overpowering that Ever has developed the habit of wearing sweatshirts with hoods to hide the fact that she's listening to hard rock music in an effort to drown out the thoughts of others.

An important part of Ever's life after the crash is her ability to see and interact with her younger sister, though Riley is dead. Ever's focus in life changes after the accident. She had been a cheerleader and very popular in her school in Washington prior to the accident. Following the move to California, Ever makes sure she connects with two of the outcasts of her new school, apparently in an effort to completely avoid the popular groups. She's a very pretty girl but hides that behind her lack of makeup and her choice in clothing. Ever struggles greatly with the idea that she's to blame for the accident because she pleaded with her father to return home to get a favorite article of clothing, putting them in the place where a deer jumped in front of the vehicle.


Evermore: The Immortals