Perfect You

Who is Will from Perfect You and what is their importance?

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Will is a 16-year-old boy. He goes to school with Kate. Kate thinks that Will is cute and has always had a crush on him. Will is famous for hooking up with girls at school. When he shows interest in Kate, she blows it off as just another one of Will's hookups. Will is also a high school athlete.
Even though Will is popular and always seems happy, Kate finds out later that his life has its ups and downs too. Will's father left him and his mother to move to Alaska. His dad has a new wife that is only about five years older than Will, and a new baby. While his dad never contacts him, Will notices that his father built a new website to share photos of his new family online.
Will also starts to work at Sports Shack at the mall. It turns out he had to start working to help his mom pay the rent. Will really likes Kate but has a hard time figuring Kate out because Kate seems to have a wall up around her and has a hard time letting people in. eventually, Will is able to get through to Kate and they start dating.