Perfect You

Who is Kate from Perfect You and what is their importance?

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Kate is a 16-year-old girl. She lives with her mom, dad, and college-educated brother. She has been experiencing some tough times in the last year. Her best friend since childhood, Anna, decided that they weren't friends anymore when Anna lost weight and became popular. Kate also has to work the Perfect You vitamin booth at the mall, which her dad started after quitting his full-time job.
Kate is often the parent in the situation, while her father is the child. She seems to see the realistic side of things, while her father is a dreamer. Kate is struggling with many normal teenage battles, such as first kisses, boyfriends, and having problems with kids making fun of her at school.
Additionally, Kate is burdened with the financial troubles that her family is experiencing. Eventually, this leads to her parents separating and she and her mother move into an apartment with her grandmother. By the end of the novel, Kate learns that it's not just her that is experiencing life's difficulties and that everyone does. She also learns that it's how you handle these difficulties that counts.