Perfect Mistake

What is the author's style in Perfect Mistake by Kate Brian?

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The story is written in the third person from the limited perspective of Ariana. The reader is given insight into Ariana's thoughts and actions that is not revealed for any of the other characters. The extra information about Ariana is necessary for the reader to catch up on the details that led the characters to this point. It's when Ariana sees Kaitlynn for the first time in this story that the reader begins to piece together their history, including their escape from prison. The insight into Ariana's thoughts does not always assist the reader in figuring out what's going on however. For example, Ariana questions Soomie and Maria in a covert manner, hoping to find advice on how to deal with the competition for the Grave and Stone society. She believes the girls tell her she should do what she can to eliminate the competition and sets out to have Allison kicked out of school for cheating. When Ariana learns that the action could have gotten Ariana blackballed, she wonders if Soomie and Maria had given her the advice on purpose or if they'd merely expected that she was smart enough to avoid being caught. These questions occur to Ariana but are never answered. The lack of insight into others, especially Kaitlynn, is necessary in order for the author to keep the plot twists a surprise until the end of the story.


Perfect Mistake