Payback's a Witch

comment on style/ language


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The novel is written modern-day American English, but there are many words and phrases meant to convey the specific setting and the series of events. Some of the words are real but not commonly used in modern times. For example, Emmy describes her voice as being an “eldritch chorus” when she first assumes the mantle of Arbiter during the Gauntlet. The word eldritch is a descriptive word that means sinister or ghostly. This is in keeping with how she described the rest of that first experience, but readers may not know the exact meaning. In some scenes, it seems that the author is trying to throw out as many uncommon words as possible. For example, the words tripartite and armillary are used to describe the display created when the three scions prepare for the opening event of the Gauntlet. The author could easily have chosen more common words. Some readers may simply skip those unfamiliar words which are sometimes necessary to fully understanding the story.