Pamela, or, Virtue Rewarded

I need the answers for this questions

Describe three instances in which Pamela exhibits extreme virtue.

How does Pamela’s feelings toward Mr.B change, and what causes this?

How does Mr.B intentions toward Pamela change, and what causes this?

Why does Pamela feel unworthy of Ms.B, and what are some of the reactions to their marriage?

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Last updated by Jill W
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Pamela demonstrates her virtue by rejecting Mr. B's many advances at Bedfordshire, even sleeping with Mrs. Jervis to protect her chastity.

Pamela is disgusted with Mrs. Jewkes because she is not virtuous.

Pamela shows her virtue by her willingness to accept Miss Goodwin, Mr. B's illegitimate daughter with Sally Godfrey.

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Pamela, or, Virtue Rewarded