Orange Is the New Black

What is the author's tone in the memoir, Orange Is the New Black?


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Throughout the memoir, Piper maintains a very transparent tone with the reader. In revealing various details about her background, including those that do not favor her, Piper represents her story genuinely and allows the reader to believe her account wholeheartedly. This is a very important aspect of the memoir because it is Piper’s honest tone that allows the reader to sympathize with her and the other inmates. Therefore, Piper is able to convey her message effectively and challenge the reader to consider her criticism of the criminal justice system.

In addition, the memoir also includes a very sympathetic tone. By appealing to the reader’s emotion, Piper communicates her plight so that the reader can sympathize and even relate to her issues. By presenting her crime and the crimes of the other inmates as mistakes, rather than malicious actions, she appeals to the sympathy of the reader. Also, by describing the inmates as kind and compassionate, Piper allows the reader to rethink their beliefs about those in prison.

Finally, the memoir maintains an adversarial tone towards the criminal justice system. By citing statistics on incarceration and providing first hand accounts of the injustices of prison, the memoir serves not only to tell a story but to make a statement. Exposing the injustices of the criminal justice system plays a very large role in this memoir and this tone contributes to the theme.

