One Writer's Beginnings
What is the author's style in One Writer's Beginnings by Eudora Welty?
One Writer's Beginnings is an autobiographical work, Welty's perspective is subjective for the most part, though at times, she assumes the perspective of someone peeping in on someone else's life. Much of what Welty writes about her youngest years and family history is, of course, secondhand anecdotes from those who were adults in her life at the time. Because this book is autobiography, there is always a gray line separating "truth" from "fiction." Not that Welty would fictionalize her life, but there is always an element of fiction in autobiography because of the imperfection of human memory. What Welty records in this account of her life and family history is the truth as she has experienced it and remembers it, a point that any reader of autobiography must take into account.
One Writer's Beginnings