No Is Not Enough
What is the author's perspective in the nonfiction book, No Is Not Enough?

Klein employs multiple perspectives throughout the book interchangeably – from researcher, to journalist, to mother, to activist. Her personal perspectives and opinions are not shied away from, but rather celebrated, as she believes the culmination of her experiences obligates her to inform the masses of the dangers of a corporatized social system, shock politics, and, more specifically, the Trump administration. While at first it seems she is writing from a traditionally liberal perspective, she unveils her progressive roots as the text goes on. Not only does she openly endorse the policies of progressive politician Bernie Sanders, she is highly critical of the centrist track records of Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton. Klein's perspective as a progressive is not out of the ordinary, but what makes her experience unique is the combination of perspectives she brings toward each argument to create a comprehensive, in-depth analysis of her subject matter.