
Who is Shay from Nightshade: Book 1 and what is their importance?

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Shay is seventeen, roughly the age of the other teenage guardians in the book. His parents both died when he was two, and he has been living with his uncle, Bosque, ever since. Unknown to Shay, Bosque is a very powerful Keeper. Shay is nearly killed on the mountainside but rescued by Cal, who uses her blood to help heal his wounds. After Cal does this, it turns out that Shay is a new student at her school, and he is very fascinated with both her and the group that she hangs out with. Over time, he develops strong feelings for Cal, and learns the nature of both the Guardians and the Keepers, but his curiousity leads him to begin translating a forbidden text with Cal's help, and he discovers too late that he is the Scion, and that the Keepers plan to sacrifice him at the Blood Moon festival where Ren and Cal will join together and take charge of their new pack. Shay is constantly questioning the ways of the Guardians, much to Cal's annoyance, and Ren distrusts him and is very jealous of him for the amount of time that he spends with Cal. Shay is also a very intelligent teenager, accustomed to first-rate educations, and he clearly comes from a very wealthy family, but tells Cal that his frequent moves make it very difficult for him to find friends, and as a result he has never felt as though he fits in anywhere.