Night World No. 2: Dark Angel; the Chosen; Soulmate

Who is Paula Belizer from Dark Angel from Night World No. 2: Dark Angel; the Chosen; Soulmate and what is their importance?

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Paula Belizer is a young girl from the town where Gillian lives who went missing the Christmas before the novel begins. Gillian thinks that when she hears a voice by the frozen creek that it might be Paula or another lost child and this is what spurs her to go in search. Later, Gillian learns that Paula Belizer died accidentally when Gary Fargeon was experimenting with a fire spell and Paula chased her dog through the circle of fire. Gary buried Paula's body in a panic and later died before he could tell anyone where she was. Gillian and David find the body and inform the police so that Paula's father can have some peace and offer forgiveness to Gary.