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One Wily Old Indian comments on Dan's eloquent explanation of Indian history that confirmed Nerburn would learn more following Dan than reading notes. Dan and Fatback share the lifestyle of coming and going when they want or from inner urges. Nerburn confirmed that Dan didn't mind being called Indian rather than Native American or some other term. He said he didn't like "Indian" for sports teams and other things that dishonored them. Dan didn't mind a "false" name, like Indian, since they're not from the Indies, as long as white men didn't ask if they prefer one false name to another. Dan had a National Geographic map of the Bering Straits to demonstrate his ancestors come from where they are now, not over a land bridge. Dan complained that white people moved to Indian land they called their own or claim that they are part Indian to get treaty payments from government. Europeans exterminated Indians with guns, laws, regulations and censuses or mixed them with white men to confuse them.