Machines Like Me

I am working on only Chapter 4. I am looking for 2-3 quotes that we can discuss about relationship between Mark and Adam. How does Adam react Mark? How does Mark react Adam? Help me please:)

I am working on only chapter 4.

I am looking for 2-3 quotes that we can discuss about relationship between Mark and Adam.

How does Adam react Mark?

How does Mark react Adam?

Help me plese:)

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Last updated by Jill W
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Adam is pretty much oblivious to Mark at first, he brings him into Charlie and Miranda, and then quickly asks what everyone wanted for breakfast, "Adam knew nothing at first hand about children, but everything that could be known was available to him."

Shortly after eating, Adam tells Charlie and Miranda, "One of you should now be in touch with the authorities," that Mark's mother may not be of the same mind as his father, and then he reminds them of the Child Abduction Act.

Mark, on the other hand, seems to like Adam. He is gripping Adam's finger when he first enters, he stood "by Adam's side and held the fabric of his jeans between forefinger and thumb," and when Adam became increasingly upset, he "picked the boy up and settled him on his hip and the crying stopped in seconds."


Machines Like Me, Chapter Four