Lords and New Creatures

What is the setting of Lords and New Creatures by Jim Morrison?

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There are numerous settings used in "The Lords and The New Creatures." As the cinema is such a large part of the text, Morrison focuses on the physical structure of the darkened room, the poet also relays the allure of the cinema as a place where one can get away and escape every day life.

Foreign lands are mentioned, from the thick humid rain forests in Africa to East Asia to Paris, the desert, exhausted battle fields and the civilizations of the Aztecs and other primitive cultures. There is mention of several locations in England from the exhibits in Regent's Park to the nightlife of Islington Green.

Morrison also utilizes many locations within the United States, including Philadelphia, where Eadweard Muybridge created the revolutionary experiment using 48 cameras with models and animals to create motion and therefore animation. Los Angeles plays a large part, as it was Morrison's home base for many years. Areas in and around Los Angeles are also mentioned, such as the beach, Santa Ana, Morrison's house, the ghetto, the inner city, Ensenada, and Sunset Boulevard.


Lords and New Creatures