Light Can Be Both Wave and Particle

How does Gilchrist intertwine the stories contained in her collection, Light Can Be Both Wave and Particle?


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Many of Gilchrist's stories interlock. Lin Tan, the medical student who falls in love with Margaret McElvoy, happens to meet Nora Jane on the train and remembers that he performed the clinical work for her amniocentesis. His phenomenal memory has no trouble in recalling the details of her case. In his distinct handling of his second language he says: "Oh, this is very strange. You are Miss Whittington of 1512 Arch Street, is it not so?" Gilchrist's fiction increasingly sees the world as intricately interrelated. That her stories interlock and overlap imparts a sense of what Lin Tan refers to as "the shape of the universe and the breathtaking order of the species."

