Life Is Beautiful

What is one of the main motifs (recurring themes) in the film, Life Is Beautiful?


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One important motif is that of sacrificial love. Guido gives his life because of his sacrificial love for his son. While terrified for their lives, Guido comes up with a story about a game and a tank so that he can convince Giosuy to do what is needed to stay alive. Guido hides Giosuy and tries to make sure his young son has the happiest life possible under the circumstances.

Dora also offers her sacrificial love by following her family to the concentration camp. Since she was not captured, she didn't have to go, but she refused to be left behind. Dora's bravery helps to keep Guido going as he tries to keep her updated about their lives even when it could easily cost him his life. The sacrificial love of both of these people serves to highlight the cruel situation they live in and the themes of hope and love.

