Lesser Known Monsters of the 21st Century

What happens to Liddy in the story, Liddy, First to Fly, from the collection, Lesser Known Monsters of the 21st Century?


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In the story, Liddy discovers bumps on her ankles, and the bumps pop and release black feathered wings, which had been concealed inside. Over the course of the story, Liddy learns to use the wings to lift herself off the ground, culminating in a leap from a cliff called the Springboard into the ocean below. The wings and Liddy's fledgling efforts to test their powers are symbolic of the physical and mental changes girls experience during puberty. At the end of the story, the unnamed narrator says of Liddy, "She had become what she was meant to be, and maybe we all would" (30). Liddy is the first of the friend group to blossom, and the others wonder if and when this will happen to them as well.

