Left Behind
What is the motifs
What are the problems in the book

What are the problems in the book
Transformations are a recurring idea in the book. Almost every major character undergoes some type of transformation. Bruce, Rayford, Chloe, and Buck are all changed by faith. Hattie and Steve are changed, but in different ways. The major focus points in the book highlight the paths each individual takes as a result of the rapture. Bruce right away realizes he has missed the boat and does what he can in order to make it right the second time around. With his newfound faith, he tells people at every opportunity the story of how he was left behind and what he is doing now for the future. While Rayford also knows what has happened from the beginning , he is more scientific in his approach to finding God. Like Bruce, he knows he has missed the boat and when he repents and is "born-again", he tells everyone like Bruce does, in an effort for others to see that they need to be ready for the end times. This is the turnaround point for him. His life from this point forward is going to be full of changes and new challenges.