King Rat

In Chapter 18, the King faces the first real obstacle to his operations, what effect does it have on him?

King Rat

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The news that Cheng San is being questioned by the police about smuggling is very bad. Since there is nothing he can do about it, the King decides that they will stick to their original plan and hope for the best. The King tells Shagata to get as much information as he can and let them know if Cheng San talks, although he doubts the Korean guard would be able to get word to them in time. As they are returning to the theater Marlowe asks the King what they will do if it looks like Cheng San has given them away, and the King says that they will have to make a break for it, but his voice shakes as he says it and Marlowe understands that he doubts it will work. For the first time in the novel the King faced with a situation over which he has no control and even though it obviously frightens him, he keeps his head and does not panic.


King Rat