Julius Caesar
What do you think about Brutus?
Read the whole book and write in paragraphs.

Read the whole book and write in paragraphs.
Although Marcus Brutus is one of Caesar’s closest friends, he is involved in the plot to kill Caesar. The fact that Brutus is among Caesar’s murderers is important because Caesar sees it as the biggest betrayal of all. When Caesar is being stabbed to death, he sees that Brutus is among his attackers and, after acknowledging that betrayal, gives up the idea of fighting back or surviving the attack. What is truly in the mind of Brutus is not revealed. The reader can judge Brutus only on his words and actions. It seems possible that Brutus is jealous of Caesar and that this jealousy prompts his actions. There’s little doubt the others are driven by jealousy. In the case of Brutus, his words are very convincing when he claims that Caesar was overly ambitious and that Brutus’s actions were for the good of Rome. When Brutus realizes that he has lost the battle at Philippi, he calls on his servant, Strato, to hold his sword while he runs into it. He dies in this manner. When Antony and Octavius discover that Brutus is dead, Antony says that Brutus alone was the one of the murderers who acted honorably, indicating that he believes Brutus was trying to do what was best for his country.