Journey to Topaz
When the Japanese-Americans went to the relocation camps, what did they could bring?
They were sent to the relocations camp, what did they could bring to the relocation camps?
They were sent to the relocations camp, what did they could bring to the relocation camps?
The forced evacuation is on everyone's mind. Mrs. Sakane cleans the house, discarding letters, childhood artwork, poems and other personal objects. The Sakane's furniture is sold, and all remaining belongings are packed into boxes and stored with non-Japanese neighbors or non-Japanese church members. An 8:00 p.m. curfew is enforced on all Japanese Americans in the area, and they are forbidden from possessing any shortwave radio equipment, cameras, binoculars or firearms. Ken sells his father's binoculars. The Sakanes are issued evacuation property tags, and Yuki notes that instead of the Sakane family, they are now family 13453.