Jitterbug Perfume
Who is Priscilla from Jitterbug Perfume and what is their importance?

Priscilla is a waitress. She lives in Seattle, Washington, where she rents a studio apartment. Priscilla's father is Wally Lifter. Sadly, he had Lily babysit for Priscilla one day, and then he disappeared for a year. Madame Devalier agreed to raise Priscilla, who later married an Argentinean band leader. After their divorce, Priscilla used the money from her marraige settlement to attend college.
Priscilla has possession of the blue glass perfume bottle that Kudra had made in Paris. Pan threw the bottle overboard when he and Alobar were traveling to America. Priscilla received the bottle at Madame Devalier's perfume shop and departed, taking it with her. The bottle was later stolen from her apartment while she attended a dinner at the Last Laugh Foundation.
Jitterbug Perfume