
Meaning of The Dead Troupe


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This is the name of the troupe of actors who enact the stories of both Indecent and "...Vengeance." Until the end of Indecent, the members of the Troupe do not inhabit their individual identities, but instead inhabit the stories of the two plays. At the end of Indecent, the troupe enacts "...Vengeance" in circumstances defined by the presence and the action of the Nazis in World War II. There is a sense, at the end of that enactment, that the members of the Troupe have all been taken to concentration camps and executed - hence their being identified as The Dead Troupe. There is, however, significant irony in the name, in that as Indecent presents its final moments, it indicates that the spirits of the Troupe's members live in, even if their bodies do not.