
What is the narrator point of view in the novel, Illuminae?


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Since the novel is divided into hundreds of documents of various lengths, there is no traditional point-of-view. The documents themselves are written by a variety of different characters depending on their relevance to the situation. Kady is the most prominent, as her conversations with Zhang, Ezra, all emails to her mother, and her own journal entries are included. From there, General Torrence, Winifred McCall, and the captains of the Hypatia are equally explored through officer memorandums and post event summaries. Lastly, there are a collection of notes directly from the Copernicus, detailing the breakdown of the Phobos virus and the dangers it poses to the other two fleets. By dividing up all of these documents and their various writers, the reader knows what each side is keeping from each other and understands why trust broke down between the vessels. All of the information is critical to understanding how everything went wrong, and why Kady (with AIDAN’s help) were the only two fully capable of fixing things when there was no one else left.

