I, Robot

chapter1-7 quastions

1. Not everyone is happy to see robots around. Different people hold different views and attitudes towards robots. DISCUSS two different viewpoints of robots in the book (i.e., chapters 1-7). Provide examples from the book to support your arguments.

2. Asimov sketches an evolutionary line of robotic development. Along the line, robots display certain subtle human psychological traits (e.g., emotions, dilemma, lying, caring…etc). DISCUSS two of the traits. Provide examples from the book to support your arguments.

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Not everyone is happy to see robots around. Different people hold different views and attitudes towards robots. DISCUSS two different viewpoints of robots in the book (i.e., chapters 1-7). Provide examples from the book to support your arguments.

The novel, published in 1950, imagines a futuristic world in which robots will become an important part of society. However, Asimov also imagines that humans will not trust these robots, and this will lead to conflict between humans and robots. Asimov's images have never truly come to pass, but they are still developing.

Robots, in Asimov’s mind, are benevolent creatures that can be of use to humans if certain criteria is strictly followed. There is potential for trouble, and Asimov illustrates this trouble several times in his novel. Can humans accept robots as more than machines?

Please submit each of your questions one at a time. Thanks