
Who is Stephanie Singleton from House and what is their importance?

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Stephanie Singleton is the young, attractive wife of Jack. She has aspirations of leaving her husband and becoming a country singer. Stephanie's habit of singing in order to block out any unhappy or uncomfortable feelings irritates Jack. Stephanie was with their daughter, Melissa, when she died when she accidently fell through the ice on a frozen pond. Stephanie blames herself for Melissa's death, as does Jack. Stephanie reasons with herself that she is abandoning their marriage because of the numerous times that Jack has abandoned her.
During their time in the house, Betty torments Stephanie with ice cubes and the idea of freezing to death. Although Stephanie tries to run away from these problems as she has from problems in the past, she cannot do so because Tin Man has them locked in the house. When forced to face her problems, Stephanie develops some spunk and tries to fight back. Although in the past she had sung songs in order to cheer herself up and forget her problems, the idea of singing begins to make her sick.
It is when Pete abducts her and she almost willingly eats his dog food that she realizes how quickly she does what others believe she should do even though these things might be wrong. The idea makes her physically ill. She realizes that although they don't have much of a chance in the house, that if anyone were able to get them out of their predicament it would probably be Jack. As she and Jack fight their way through the house together, Stephanie's love for her husband returns and she realizes she has been as much at fault in the destruction of their marriage as he.