
Who is Jack Singleton from House and what is their importance?

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Although this novel doesn't really have a main character, Jack Singleton is the closest thing to a leading character that it does have. Jack appears to be more of a leading character than the others because he is one of the initial characters to be introduced. He also acts as the leader of the group of four people trapped inside the abandoned house by White.
When the novel begins, Jack and his wife are on their way to a counseling session. Although he wants to stay married, he believes that his wife will get divorced from him regardless of the outcome of their session. Through the course of their stay in the Wayside Inn, Jack realizes how much anger he has toward his wife, Stephanie, who he blames for the death of their daughter, even though the child's death was an accident.
During the novel, it is Jack who emerges as the leader of the group of four who are trapped inside an abandoned house. He is the one who distracts Betty and Stewart so they can get away when he offers to die for the others while they are trapped in the meat locker. Jack is also the one who first finds Susan in the house, and then decides that he will not leave the house without saving her also. It is to Jack that Susan keeps trying to explain how to get out of the house, but Jack either ignores her or does not understand her completely.
In the end of the novel, it is Jack whom Officer Lawdale/Tin Man begs to shoot him so the others will go free. With the help of Susan, however, Jack realizes almost too late that this officer actually is the Tin Man in disguise. After Susan is shot and light begins to emerge from her blood, Stephanie tells Jack that Susan is the light. After Stephanie begs God for forgiveness, Jack realizes his mistakes and joins her in her pleas.