Holy Ghost (A Virgil Flowers Novel)

What is the importance of the St. Mary's Catholic Church in the book, Holy Ghost (A Virgil Flowers Novel)?


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St. Mary's Catholic Church is where Holland, Shreiner, and Janet stage the appearance of the Virgin May. It is outside this church that two pilgrims are injured, and Margery Osborne is killed. The setting moves the plot forward as Margery comes to the church hoping to see the Virgin Mary. In addition, the setting shows people’s willingness to believe in something bigger than themselves as people come just hoping to witness an appearance and are willing to believe that the appearances are real. It also highlights how modern technology can spread false information as people believe what they see in photos. There is nothing to prove that what they see in the photos is real, but the general public does not question this fact. In addition, the setting shows that things are not always what they appear to be as the photos do not tell the truth.

