Harvesting the Heart

How does Nicholas handle caring for Max while he works?


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The moment Nicholas finishes his surgery, he goes to pick up Max. However, the nurse he left his son with went off duty and left the baby with someone in the volunteer lounge. Nicholas does not even know where the volunteer lounge is. A young girl takes him to the appropriate place, but there is no one in there. Finally Nicholas finds a woman who saw Max with a young volunteer and tells him they are in the cafeteria. Nicholas rushes to the cafeteria, by this time frantic to find his son. A teenage girl is feeding Max an ice cream bar. When Nicholas confronts her, demanding to know what she is doing, the girl chastises him for only packing one bottle. The girl had to take Max to the milk bank, a place where nursing women donate milk for preemies, in order to feed him. When Nicholas realizes this teenager knows more about babies than he does, Nicholas offers to pay her to sit for Max until Paige comes back. The girl agrees, for five dollars an hour.