Harbor Me

What did the author what us to learn from the book harbor me

What did the author what us to get from the book

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As the title Harbor Me suggests, a major theme throughout the novel is the prompting to harbor others, especially in a climate of political turmoil such as that in which Woodson writes. In a time when immigration and racial issues fill the headlines, the author seeks to make young and old readers alike aware of the feelings of others around them and consider giving them a safe place to speak and be heard without judgement. To give an individual the opportunity to express themselves openly and know that their ideas are considered as valuable and they as a person will be respected is perhaps one of the greatest things to do for someone. Haley herself understood the importance of having a place to tell her story and be heard. "Once we circled around each other, and listened. Or maybe what matters most if that we were heard" (3).

