Harbor Me

What are the parts of a plot for Harbor Me?

I don't really know the parts of a plot for the book harbor me.

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Exposition: Haley introduces herself, her family, and prepares the reader to learn her story.

Rising Action: Haley and her friends begin attending a group just to talk with each other eacg Friday. As the students begin to feel comfortable, they begin to open up and share their stories. The ARTT room becomes a safe harbor.

Climax: Haley shares her own story, she shares the facts about her mother's death, and her father's incarceration.

Falling Action: In her safe space, Haley learns to forgive, and the students meet for the last time.

Resolution: Back in the present, Haley sits down with her father, accepts his love, and as he plays the piano, she realizes that with the end of her story, she begins another.


Harbor Me