Harbor Me

How does Haley feel about school?

Evidence from chapter 2

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School is socially difficult for Haley. As Chapter 2 begins, the narrative shifts into the past tense as Haley begins relating her story. School began in September as eight kids gathered in a special classroom of fifth and sixth graders who all learned differently from other kids. One boy soon moved away and a girl's mother complained that her child did not belong in the class and had her removed. One day, Esteban came to class late and put his head down on his desk. Ms. Laverne spoke quietly with him and the kids learned that someone took Esteban's father and no one knew his whereabouts. Haley then thought about her own father. She pictured handcuffs on the fathers. At times, she would get fearful and quiet because of these memories. She wanted to tell Esteban that she understood how he felt and that they were the same. However, she did not say anything. Later, Amari went and sat with Esteban.