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The show’s use of language is arguably one of its most intriguing, most engaging, and most culturally significant elements. Its primary style is that of hip-hop and rap, musical styles distinguished by a sense of speed, a sense of drive and energy, and of skillful, intricate word usage. Here it’s important to note that while the rap-styled language of Hamilton as a whole falls squarely within all these stylistic boundaries, its unique approach to the word usage is the most significant. For better or for worse, rap has a reputation as a language of the streets – frequently profane and / or misogynistic, often grammatically imperfect, and often limited in vocabulary. The language of Hamilton takes the language of rap to a different level. The profanity is limited, there is virtually no misogyny in its views of women (the references to Maria Reynolds being a singular, significant exception), and the grammar is generally crisp and correct. Perhaps most notably, the vocabulary is extensive. There are moments during which slang and colloquialism are used to significant and engaging effect, but for the most part, the words deployed by the characters reflect their intelligence, their being very well educated, and their skills at rhetoric and argument.

