Gwendy's Button Box

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The language used in this novel points the reader toward the grotesque and unnatural. Using wording that leads the reader’s mind to underlying evil is a common writing technique of King when developing his tone and building suspense. For instance, when Gwendy first sees Farris on the bench, the first thing that comes to mind is that he is trying to abduct her. She automatically tags him as a “potential weirdo” (9) because of the way he is dressed. Even though Farris has told her that he does not want to molest her, he is described in a dark way when she tries to leave before he is finished with her. “His face is stern, and the blue eyes seem to have gone gray. The hat lays a thin line of shadow over his brow, like a tattoo” (13). Before Gwendy tried to leave Farris, he was smiling with blue eyes; here his face turns stern and his eyes seem to turn gray, a less friendly color. A portion of his face is even shaded by his hat.