Gulliver's Travels

Custom of different people are a big part of the book. What custom must Gulliver follow in part 3 chapter 9.

In general how does gulliver deal with the customs of the people he encounters?

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Once the boat arrives to take Gulliver from Glubbdubdrib to Luggnagg he boards and heads for the island. Once he arrives he says he is Dutch since Japan is ultimately where he is heading and they only let in Dutch people to their lands, not other races. Gulliver gets caught up with legalities and red tape. He ends up having to hire an interpreter to tell the customs official everywhere he has been and who he is. Gulliver is allowed an audience with the king, but must follow customs, such as crawling to the king’s pedestal and licking the dust from the ledge in from of the king’s feet. This is done so if the king wants to kill someone poison is placed instead of dust and they die at his feet. Luckily the king ends up liking Gulliver and lets him live in the palace. Gulliver realizes he just wants to go home to his family.