
How does the author structure the biography, Grant?


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This book is divided into four large sections, each of which covers an overarching period in Grant’s life. The first covers his childhood, early military career, and the after he first resigned his commission. Part II describes the events immediately preceding the Civil War, the Civil War itself, and ends with Lincoln’s assassination. Part III traces Grant’s time as a civilian government official, focusing on his two-term Presidency. Part IV is the shortest and discusses Grant’s relatively brief life after leaving office until his death in 1885. While the narrative naturally focuses on Grant’s life and the events he participated in, Chernow provides ample context. This is particularly true in the case of other historical figures, like Lincoln and Rawlins, who played important roles in Grant’s career. In this way, it provides with a significant amount of information about the tumultuous time period during which Grant lived.

