
how does the theme of survival relate to this text

how does the teme of survival relate to this text

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Survival means that fears must be faced. Fears plague everyone’s lives, but they cannot be allowed to weigh one down. Instead, they must be confronted and must be dealt with by each person.

This is said as much by Mr. Charles, who explains his own family makes fun of him for owning a store. Mr. Charles was fearful his store would not last, but it has. Instead of folding and quitting, Mr. Charles has endured to have a successful store, having successfully faced his fears both of failing and his family’s mockery.

Ghost takes Mr. Charles’s lesson and example to heart by confronting his own worst fears. After being made fun of for his shoes and fearing he may fail at his dreams, Ghost returns to track practice with his head held high, determined to run and win. Rather than fearing others may judge him for his life, he opens up about his past at dinner with Coach and the others. Because of this, Ghost is accepted among the team and feels like he belongs.