
From the cover of the front book it includes a question: Running for his life, or from it? Explain the role that running plays in ghost life. Why does he start running? How does his reason for running change? Use details from the text.

Please awswer all my question they asked.. I did copy it and paste the question ( 30 point tysm.)

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Ghost runs to better his life, to do something he can be proud of, and to expose himself to opportunity..... to make something of himself. He runs from his circumstances, frightened that he will end up like his father, living out his life in a place where nothing ever changes and where dreams die.

Don’t ever let someone call your life, your dreams, little. Hear me?
-- Mr. Charles (Chapter 5)

Show you that you can’t run away from who you are, but what you can do is run toward who you want to be.
-- Coach (Chapter 9)



Write a 1-2 sentences that give a brief summary of the book. (You can write it that describes the theme OR central idea.)


tysm.. XD Its like an essay part I think.. 50 points