Full Throttle: Stories

Symbolism ("All I Care About Is You") Mermaid


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The mermaid is symbolic of self-motivation in an era of Clockworks. By refusing to care for the mermaid, Iris exhibits her callous nature and lack of compassion. In fact, she likens it to sushi, and Chip is the one to point out its purpose: love. The mermaid’s song at the close of the story reveals that love for an object is possible. The mermaid mourns the loss of Chip, staring into his “easy smile and empty eyes,” and sings for love (262). By acting for herself, unlike Chip, Iris elicits less feeling from another sentient being than the Clockwork she paid to work for her. In this technological world, Iris proves that she has been conditioned to be unsympathetic to others and act to achieve her personal satisfaction at all cost.