Full Throttle: Stories

Symbolism ("All I Care About Is You") Hideware


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Hideware in “All I Care About Is You” is symbolic of the need for young people to keep up appearances. Not only is Hideware a status symbol for Iris amongst her friends, it is symbolic of the manipulative and secretive nature of teenagers. Iris’s friends expect her to receive Hideware for her sixteenth birthday because of her socioeconomic class. Her family’s loss of funds inhibits her from receiving this material signifier of her financial excess. Although Iris recognizes that Hideware gives the power for “casting spells on one another” by influencing how other’s feel about them in ways they choose (258). It is a symbol of hiding and lying about who one truly is for the sake of gaining acceptance from others. Iris exhibits all of this behavior in her short encounter with Chip. All she needs to do is hide her intentions from the unfeeling Clockwork, manipulate his inability to feel, and she gains not only her status symbol, Hideware, but achieves the secrecy necessary to gain what she wants.