Frontier Follies

What is the main setting in the memoir, Frontier Follies?


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The ranch is one of the centerpieces of the memoir; in many ways, it is not only a place but a theme. Ree describes in detail the hard work and complicated process that goes into successfully running a farm, which includes feeding, vaccinating, and worming, and pregnancy-testing cows; cutting, baling, and hauling hay; shipping cattle; getting the cattle through the transition between seasons. She notes that Ladd and the other cowboys regularly rise at 3 AM and don’t return until night, and that their responsibilities increase during the summer. Ree also describes physical aspects of the ranch, such as the beauty of the wide-open fields around their house and the various animals, including horses, cows, bulls, dogs, and even skunks, that roam their property. Not only is the ranch the setting of the book, it also represents Ree’s messages and values. Rural living is in its own way, a theme and symbol for values such as family, community, and hard work.


Frontier Follies