Freak the Mighty

Here are some questions about freak the mighty. we may have an exam on it. So if you could share with me questions that was in your exam please or what could be in freak the mighty exam. My questions are in the details

Hello, in English we read the novel freak the mighty and we have a document to fill out and there are a few questions that I still don't understand. Can you help me - is it a good thing or not that Max and Kevin get to be in all the same classes at school this year. Explain your answer by gving examples to illustrate your reasoning

- Max has revealed that he has a stong character in many ways throughout the novel. Most recently, in spite of having a very bad day, he felt that it was not him but Kevin who had a bad Friday thhe 13th. Discuss some of the things you have noticed thoughout the story that illustrate that Max is a person of good character.
Hello, in English we read the novel freak the mighty and we have a document to fill out and there are a few questions that I still don't understand. Can you help me - is it a good thing or not that Max and Kevin get to be in all the same classes at school this year. Explain your answer by gving examples to illustrate your reasoning - Max has revealed that he has a stong character in many ways throughout the novel. Most recently, in spite of having a very bad day, he felt that it was not him but Kevin who had a bad Friday thhe 13th. Discuss some of the things you have noticed thoughout the story that illustrate that Max is a person of good character - Why do you think Max's dad would treat him the way he did. Give specific examples to illustrate your thinking -For each of the following quotes, answer each question below as much insight as possible. 1) To what incident is the quote referring. 2) What hapened. 3) What was the result. 4) How important was it overall plot.
Here are the quotes: '' Sure it will hurt. But so what. Pain is just a state of mind. You can think your way out of anything, even pain '' This is on page 53 of the novel ... Freak and I get to be in the same classes. He made Fair Gwen go in and see all these people at the school, because I wasn't supposed to be in the smart classes, no way, and finally they all agreed it would be good for Freak, having someone to help him get aroud '' It's on page 75 '' I try to get between them and I'm going 'I saw you kill her! I saw you kill mom! I never forgot, not ever! I know you did it! I know! It's at page 128
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Last updated by Ben Grill
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Exam exercises divide in three kinds:

  1. The type that you've studied for, know inside out, are exactly like the ones you practiced. As soon as you read the question you know you're going to get 100%.

  2. The kind that looks familiar but you can't quite remember all the steps, or parts of the solution look obvious but other parts fill you with fear, uncertainty and doubt. You're confident you can start the issue, but your pen trembles a bit at the thought of finishing it.

  3. The kind that leaves you sitting, doing your best impression of a goldfish and generally filled with despair. You curse the one who wrote the question, you curse the subject for having that topic, you curse your friends who took you out partying the night you meant to understand it, and occasionally some compulsively honest students mutter at themselves a bit too.

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