
How does the concept of tolerance apply to Frankenstein? Where do we see it, where do we not see it? What are some relevant quotes?

Tolerance is an essential ingredient in peaceful and productive coexistence of humans. It is the basis for social cohesion and, in many cases, for progress of a society. Therefore I would like you

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Tolerance is a theme shown throuhgout the novel. One epic example (one that has the reader asking the pointed question: who is the true monster?) is when the Monster is hiding and meets the blind man. The conversation between them, the kindness and tolerance shown to the creature quite literally shows how mankind needs to be blind to the outward features and appearance of a person. Because the blind man cannot see the Monster, he cannot make a judgement about him and therefore is able to accept him on equal terms. It allows the Monster to show compassion and understanding in a way that others have not allowed him the decency to experience or show.