Forward the Foundation

Who is Emperor Agis XIV from Forward the Foundation and what is their importance?

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Emperor Agis XIV was put on the throne after ten years of military rule following the assassination of Cleon I. Agis is Cleon's maternal third cousin. He names himself after after Agis VI who some 2,000 years earlier rules for 42 years without tyranny. Holographs do not make Agis look particularly royal. He is short with bulging eyes, but has a a good speaking voice and shows intelligence. He dubs himself the "Citizen Emperor" (pg. 384) and dispenses with as much protocol as possible. Agis shows a sense of humor, talking of how brave he is to see Raven Seldon, a nickname connoting bad luck. He lists those who have fallen after associating with Hari. Agis is unimpressed by psychohistory but believes that Hari's saying that the Empire will fall somehow makes it happen. Hari convinces Agis of the need for the Encyclopedia Galatica but no funding is available. Agis is a true friend to Hari when his son Raych and his family die in a revolution. Agis himself is eventually dethroned and Hari does not know what becomes of him.